Types and Uses of Corrosion Resistance Coatings for Steel


Steel is a versatile material. It stands as the backbone of various industries, from construction to automotive. The main purpose is strength and durability.  

However, a silent threat lurks around it - corrosion. Thus, we will understand corrosion and the diverse range of corrosion protection coatings designed to shield steel from harmful effects. 

What is Corrosion? 

Corrosion is the gradual degradation of metals caused by environmental chemical reactions. Factors such as moisture, oxygen, and pollutants contribute to this process. This leads to rust and deterioration of steel structures over time. 

Types of Corrosion Resistance Coatings 

Steel is exposed and must be safeguarded from the clutches of corrosion. Various corrosion protection coatings come to the rescue. Each offers unique properties and advantages. Let's explore these coatings in more detail: 

Tungsten Carbide 

This strong coating has tungsten carbide particles mixed with cobalt metal. Tungsten carbide coatings are renowned for their exceptional hardness and wear resistance.  

This makes them ideal for applications where abrasion and corrosion are prevalent. Tungsten carbide coatings excel in challenging environments. It's main job is to protect machines in factories and make tools last longer. 

Tungsten Carbide Cobalt Chrome  

The main task of tungsten carbide cobalt chrome coating is to build upon the strength of tungsten carbide. This coating incorporates cobalt chrome to enhance its toughness and resilience.  

These materials mix to make a coating that can handle corrosion, strong impacts, and rough wear. Tungsten carbide cobalt chrome coatings protect important parts like pumps and valves. 

Chromium Carbide Nickel Chrome  

Chromium carbide nickel chrome is formulated with a blend of chromium carbide, nickel, and chrome. This metal spray coating forms a dense, corrosion-resistant layer on steel surfaces.  

Chromium carbide nickel chrome coatings exhibit excellent chemical and mechanical wear resistance. Hence, they are suitable for a wide range of industrial applications.  

This coating excels in fighting erosion in mining gear and stopping corrosion in chemical plants. Chromium carbide nickel chrome coating is great at fighting erosion in mines and preventing corrosion in chemical plants. 

Amorphous Metallic Glass  

Amorphous metallic glass differs from conventional materials due to its irregular atomic structure. It provides exceptional strength and corrosion resistance.  

Applied as a coating, it forms a protective barrier, shielding steel from corrosion even in tough conditions. This innovative solution offers reliable protection for marine components and electronic devices alike. 


Hastelloy is a super metal that fights rust like a champ, even against strong acids, alkalis, and salty seawater. It's like a superhero's shield, especially where normal stuff can't handle the rust.  

Whether in factories making chemicals or on big platforms out in the ocean, Hastelloy keeps things running smoothly for a long time.  

So, it's kind of like the ultimate protector for important stuff in tough places! With Hastelloy, you can trust that your equipment will stay strong and reliable, no matter what kind of harsh conditions it faces. 

Super Stainless Steel 

Super stainless-steel coatings are made to handle tough environments. They're better than regular stainless-steel coatings at fighting rust because they have more chromium, molybdenum, and nickel.  

These coatings guard against different types of corrosion, even in tough conditions. They work well in places like buildings and machinery, where corrosion is a big problem. 

Molybdenum Boride Cobalt Chrome  

This coating combines molybdenum boride's toughness with cobalt chrome's strength. It's one of the best corrosion-resistant coatings for steel.  

It is perfect for places with high heat, rough wear, and lots of corrosion, like in big machines or engines. Whether it's guarding turbine blades or protecting pump parts, this coating stays strong, even in tough situations.  

With its strong shield, it ensures machines last longer. This saves money on repairs and keeps everything running smoothly. So, it's like having a superhero for your machines! 

Other Coatings Include:  

  • Zinc Coatings (Galvanization)   
  • Aluminum Coatings   
  • Chromium Coatings   
  • Phosphate Coatings   
  • Chromate Coatings   
  • Ceramic Coatings   
  • Epoxy Coatings   
  • Polyurethane Coatings   
  • Acrylic Coatings  

Properties and Characteristics of Each Type 

Discover what makes each type special by exploring their unique properties and characteristics. Understand below what sets them apart from one another: 

Durability: These coatings are built to last, withstanding the test of time and environmental pressures. 

Adhesion: They adhere firmly to the steel surface, forming a seamless barrier against corrosion. 

Chemical Resistance: These coatings resist the corrosive effects of various chemicals. They maintain their integrity even in hostile environments. 

Environmental Impact: Many of these coatings are designed with environmental considerations in mind. They aim to minimize their impact on the surroundings. 

Application Methods 

These coatings can be applied using various methods like thermal spraying and electroplating. This ensures efficient and precise coverage for protection against corrosion. 


Applications of Corrosion Resistance Coatings 

Corrosion resistance coatings aren't just for looks—they're like armor for steel, protecting it in all sorts of places. Let's see where these coatings work their magic! 


Infrastructure and Construction 

Corrosion-resistant coatings play a crucial role in extending the lifespan of infrastructure assets. They're essential for everything from bridges to pipelines. 

Automotive Industry 

In automobiles, these coatings protect critical components from corrosion. They ensure reliability and safety on the road. 

Aerospace and Defense 

Aircraft and military equipment depend on coatings that resist corrosion to handle harsh environments. These coatings help them stay strong in tough conditions. 

Marine Industry 

Ships and offshore structures face corrosive seawater constantly. This makes corrosion-resistant coatings essential in the marine industry. 

Oil and Gas Industry 

In oil rigs and pipelines, where exposure to corrosive substances is high. These coatings prevent costly downtime and ensure operational efficiency. 


In the battle against corrosion, endurance is key. Endurance Wear Solutions LLP (EWSLLP) is a trusted partner you can rely on.  

We offer high-impact coatings that protect machines from getting worn out in industries. With our expertise, we fortify steel against corrosion. We ensure longevity and performance with cutting-edge solutions. 

Endurance Wear Solutions LLP (EWSLLP) is a company that's all about keeping things strong and lasting longer. We create super coatings that fight off rust and wear. Our top-notch super stainless coatings ensure that industrial equipment stays tough.  

They prevent breakdowns and ensure smooth operation. Whether it's machines in factories or parts in big machines like cars and planes, EWSLLP's coatings keep everything working smoothly. We know in-an-out of steel world, ensuring durability and reliability.  

Don't let corrosion weaken your assets—arm them with the protection they deserve. So, if you want your industrial assets to last longer and stay strong against rust and wear, EWSLLP is the name you can count on! 

 Related article: Specialized Stainless-Steel Coatings for Harsh & Aggressive Conditions